Pedro Caballero, Company

Pedro was born on October 26, 2003, in Havana, Cuba. At the age of 5 he started ballet in thevocational workshops. In 2013 he joined the National Ballet School where he performed severalballets such as Paquita, Alice in Wonderland, Pas de Deux such of Don Quixote and LeCorsaire. In 2021 Mr. Caballero began his pre-professional internships at the National Ballet ofCuba where he performed several contemporary and classical works. In 2022 he joined theLaura Alonso Ballet Company where he performed several soloist roles in “El rio y el bosque”,Don José in the ballet “Carmen”, Albrecht in “Giselle”. In 2023 Pedro arrived at United Stateswhere he performed with the Ohio Contemporary Ballet Company and, later with the Gulf CoastStudio Company different Pas de Deux such as Diana & Action, Sylvia, Don Quixote, PasClassique and The Nutcracker. This is Mr. Caballero first season with Kentucky Ballet Theatre.