Intermediate to Advance level dancers age 11-18
with a minimum of 4 years training.
June 7-26, 2021
Monday-Friday, 9:00-5:00 p.m.
Saturday, 9:00-12:00 p.m.
Classes include ballet & pointe technique classes,
strengthening, modern, classical jazz, salsa, character, choreography, tap & workshops in nutrition & injury prevention.
(Classes are determined based on level placement.)
Sunday, June 27, 2021
Summer Gala Performance
Moondance Amphitheater
One Week -- $450 * Two Weeks -- $875 * Three Weeks -- $1300
Not comfortable coming to live classes yet, or are out of town...
you can sign up for live virtual classes instead via zoom (reduced schedule).
Monday-Friday, 9:00-2:30 p.m.
(will not participate in the gala performance)
Virtual Tuition*:
One Week -- $300 * Two Weeks -- $575 * Three Weeks -- $855
The $20 Registration fee can be paid using the register now button above and will show as a credit when tuition is due.
Once paid, your child's spot will be secured.
Tuition is due by the first day of the intensive.
*Current KBT students will receive a tuition discount if registered by May 3, 2021.
Evening Activities
TBD --- Due to COVID-19 restrictions
Supervised housing is not provided for the 2021 summer program. Our staff can assist in finding housing/airbnb options for families coming from out of town.
*New students only
Email all audition materials to admin@kyballet.com.
1. Summer Intensive Application
2. Headshot photo (does not need to be professional)
3. 1st Arabesque photo (does not need to be professional)
New Student Deposits
For 2021 Summer Program
$20 New Student Registration Fee*
$100 Tuition Deposit due with Registration
*The $20 fee is a deposit and will show as a credit in your account when tuition is due.
Tuition is due the first day of the intensive.